I’ve loved every moment of working at The Village Child Development Center

I’ve been working with The Village Child Development Center since 2014 with the Jr. Preschoolers and I have loved every moment of it! I have been working in Early Childhood Education since 2009 and this center is hands down the best center I have worked at.

My son is enrolled here at The Village, and he is always happy! Nothing warms my heart more than to know, and see, the love and care that he receives every day.

The staff here is always welcoming and very helpful to everyone that steps through the doors and the families are all so warm and caring, and it is truly wonderful to know that we have their trust and caring with teaching their children every day!

Kayla Dyer

The Village Child Development Center

Early Childhood Teacher

Now Enrolling in Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten. Immediate Opening Available.